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Average House Price in Halifax

Average House Price in Halifax

Average House Price in Halifax in 2019 was $338,507! In 2019, in the Halifax/Dartmouth region, we saw 5408 sales of single family homes in the greater HRM. Average days on market was 61 days. The highest sale was $1,800,000 and the lowest was $25,000. Halifax-Dartmouth Single detached home sales in Halifax-Dartmouth numbered 1,280 units in […]

Fall Home Buying & Selling Tips

Fall Home Buying & Selling Tips

Fall is here.  You can feel it in the air and see it in the trees.  Typically, at this time of year, the real estate market is starting to slow, but not this year!  We are coming off of a record summer for home sales in HRM and it hasn’t showed any signs of slowing yet. However, […]

How to Set an Offer Price

How to Set an Offer Price

How to Set an Offer Price There is no set equation to determine how you’ll reach an offer price. Rather, the process involves a range of research and comparison that will vary with each situation. You’ll need to look at sales of comparable properties, and factor in additional data such as the condition of the […]

Preparing Your Home For Showing

Preparing Your Home For Showing

“You never get a second chance at a first impression.” We’ve all heard this expression before. And now, while you are preparing your house to sell, it shouldn’t be far from your mind. While logical factors such as price and location narrow the pool of houses a potential buyer will look at, the ultimate decision to buy is […]

What to Expect when Renovating

What to Expect when Renovating Renovating is one of the best ways to improve your homes value. Whether you are replacing carpet, renovating your kitchen or adding on to your home, having a dumpster on site will Concentrate on the following areas to help you determine an offer price: Comparable Sales  Compare prices of homes […]

The Best Asking Price For Your Home

Setting a realistic price for your home that reflects current market values will help sell your home quickly and for top dollar. When you price your home properly, you increase the chances that the offer you receive will nearly match your asking price, and that there will be competing offers—which may net you even more in […]

How to Get Top Dollar For Your Home, Fast!

Your home is likely your largest asset, so selling it may be the biggest financial move you’ve ever made, one that requires significant thought and strategy. However, once you’ve entered the market, the process may move very quickly: your property has the best chance to sell within its first seven weeks on the market. Studies indicate that […]

Buying a Home: What Expenses to Expect

Budgeting for a new home can be tricky. Not only are there mortgage installments and the down payment to consider, there are a host of other—sometimes unexpected—expenses to add to the equation. The last thing you want is to be caught financially unprepared, blindsided by taxes and other hidden costs on closing day. These expenses […]